Sunday, August 12, 2007

A teary goodbye

I finished The Time Traveler's Wife last night. Katie, you are in so much trouble for suggesting this one! I LOVED IT! Every page was wonderful. I can't say enough good things about it. To use the most over-used review saying, I laughed, I cried. I haven't had a book move me this way in a long time. This author is amazing. She's writing a new novel and I can't wait for it to come out. It's a must read!

Then I promptly started my reading for work. 62 pages of Made To Stick. I haven't read all 62 yet, but it seems pretty good. And the idea of making "stickable" ideas seems like it could apply to so many things.

But now I'm reading The Nanny Diaries for pleasure. Since I couldn't sleep last night, I'm over halfway done with the book. It really is very good. I just checked it out at the library yesterday. It's getting into kind of a depressing part, so I'm not sure how it's going to go. I guess I'll just keep reading.

After the munchkin went to bed last night I had a couple of beers and took a nice, hot bath. Then, I gave myself a pedicure. Had there been chocolate involved I think the evening would have been perfect. I admit I have a blazing headache this morning, but I think that's more from lack of sleep than alcohol. I'm pretty sure it was 1 before I was asleep. And the munchkin was up at 6:30. But perhaps I can get a nap. MMMMMMMMM....nap.

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